iameco achieves EU Eco Flower Certification

The iameco v3 computer, developed by Micropro, has achieved the prestigious EU Eco Flower label certification.

The EU Ecolabel helps you identify products and services that have a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw material through to production, use and disposal.

The iameco touch screen computer has a carbon footprint that is 70% less than the average PC. Less than 360 kilograms CO2eq is produced over the full product life cycle. Developed in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute Berlin, the University of Limerick and a network of eco-friendly suppliers across Europe, iameco is the first computer of its kind to win the prestigious EU Eco Flower certification, the most comprehensive environmental standard.

Almost all of the materials used in the computer are recyclable, including the wooden frame. Hazardous materials typically used in a computer manufacturing process have been reduced to a minimum for iameco and replaced with environmentally friendly alternatives .

As part of the certification process the iameco v3 was tested by the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Limerick (for an Energy 5 Start assessment).  It was sent to the Fraunhofer Institute and Tricom where it was disassembled to its basic components and analyzed as part of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This was followed by tests by BICOM in Holland (for CE certifciation), TUV Rhineland (Germany) for Noise Tests and TUV Rhineland (Taiwan) for Electro Magnetic Emmission tests.  The assessment information from the various bodies was submitted to the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), which is the International Standardization Organization (ISO) member body for Ireland and which is also a member of the European Organisation for Technical Approvals.  The NSAI gave official confirmation of Eco-label accreditation for the iameco v3 on 19th May 2011.

For more information contact Anne Gallighan, MicroPro Computers, 98 Nutgrove Avenue,  Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 . Tel 01 483 0514 or by e-mail on agalligan@micropro.ie

Tags: EU Eco flower label, Fraunhofer, green computing, green it, iameco, Tricom, TUV Rhineland
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